Does stress affect periods? Many have noticed a link between them. Following are some commonly asked questions about stress and periods:
Does stress affect periods?
Yes. Stress can affect periods because stress affects the hormones in our body, including the ones controlling periods and reproductive functions. If our body or mind senses stress, it’s probably not a good time to reproduce or think about reproduction, right?
How does stress affect periods?
Stress can make your period come early or late. Stress can delay a period from several days to several months. It can make your cycles irregular and hard to predict. If you haven’t got a period for more than three months, check this out in “What to do if stress is affecting your periods?”
Stress can also affect your period flow, making it lighter or heavier. It can worsen your PMS symptoms, such as bloating, breast tenderness, anger, irritability, mood swings, anxiety, depression, and tiredness. It can also cause more painful periods.
What to do if stress is affecting your periods?
First, keep a routine.
Our hormones follow an internal clock. That’s how our periods have regular cycles. That’s also why we want to maintain the rhythm by keeping a routine. Wake up, eat, and go to bed around the same time every day. However, when we are under stress, our schedules often become irregular. It’s one of the reasons why our periods become erratic as well.
Second, have regular exercise.
Exercising is good for reducing stress, PMS symptoms and painful periods. Three birds with one stone! 150 mins per week of moderate exercise, such as speed walking, jogging, cycling, or swimming, will do the job. That is 30 mins 5 days or 50 mins 3 days during the week.
Third, manage stress.
You can start with a few simple techniques, such as the ones in the free guide “Five Quick Ways to Reduce Stress” Talk to some one about your stress. And try not to stress about your periods. Use the opportunity to improve your lifestyle and stress management skills.
Last, put these in mind.
If your period is late and you are sexually active, you may need to consider taking a pregnancy test. If you haven’t got a period for more than three months, you need to talk to a doctor and see if inducing a period is necessary. The reason is that the inner lining of your uterus keeps thickening under the influence of estrogen without shedding (periods). It increases the risk of uterine cancer.
If you are interested in natural treatments for stress or periods, you can also book a discovery call and see what we can do for you.
Disclaimer: The information on this website is for educational/informational purposes only, and not a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis or treatment. Learn more.